Webapplications are the future user interfaces. Numerous features speak in favor of using them to interact with embedded systems. Irrespective of whether the webapplication is thought for fast and easy access to embedded systems or to replace an extensive native PC application – several advantages speak for the use of webapplications.
The application is located in the flash memory of the device and is therefore available whenever needed. Distribution via data carrier or download from the internet is not necessary.
It is independent of PC operating systems and version conflicts between embedded firmware and PC application do not occur.
Whether highly efficient webapplication in controller ROM or an comprehensive alternative to native PC application in the Look & Feel of web 2.0 – SEVENSTAX Webserver is designed specifically for the requirements of embedded systems which allows a straightforward integration of web interfaces in embedded systems.

- HTTP 1.0 & HTTP 1.1
- HTTP GET- and POST-Methods (RFC 1945)
- HTTP Form Controls, based on RFC 2388
- Support of compressed data (ZIP)
- “on-the-fly”-generation of dynamic HTML-pages with Server Side Includes
- full dynamic webapplications with SEVENSTAX AJAX
- HTTP Authentication, based on RFC 2617
- secure Authentication with Digest Access Authentication
- comprehensive rights management with users and groups
- MIME-Types, based on RFC 822 (TXT, CSS, RAW, JPEG, GIF, PNG, ICO, XML, TIFF MPEG, MP3, ...)
- Support of CSS, Javascript, Java, Adobe Flash, etc.
- File-Upload, -Download
- Favicon-Support
- "Apple-Touch"-Icon
- HTTP(s)-Support with SEVENSTAX TLS
Integration of Webresources (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JPEG, etc.)
SEVENSTAX Webserver is connected to various file systems via the SEVENSTAX Virtual Filesystem. Web resources can be easily transferred to ROM of microcontrollers by generating source-code modules using the SEVENSTAX Resource Generator. At the same time HTML-files are optimized (by removing all redundant characters). Also integration of external flash components (e.g. SPI-Flash) is supported. In addition, a flash image with integrated lookup-table can be generated using the SEVENSTAX Dir2Flash.
Furthermore, file systems (e.g. FAT-FS) are fast and easily attached to the SEVENSTAX Virtual Filesystem. Thereby, affordable and large data stores, for example SD cards with adequate storage can be connected.
ZIP-compressed resources
SEVENSTAX Webserver allows handling of (ZIP-) compressed resources. Webapplications often contain static data such as design elements, language files, graphics, formatting, help text, scripts etc. Those files can be compressed and stored to the embedded system (e.g. controller ROM) to save resources. In addition, the transfer of data is accelerated. Unnoticed by the user those files are then automatically decompressed by the browser during the download.
Automatic browser recognition
The integrated browser and system recognition allows identification of the web client and adaption of the transferred data. Thus, for example a mobile phone receives reduced data, optimized to its display size and data transfer capacity.
- SEVENSTAX AJAX Framework is an ideal addition to SEVENSTAX Webserver. It expands the web based user interface by interactive system communication in the web browser.
- SEVENSTAX RESTful API offers a XML-based system interface
- Together with SEVENSTAX TLS a highly secure data encryption via HTTP(s) can be used